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Are Business Ethics Important for Profitability?

Are Business Ethics Important for Profitability?

Are Business Ethics Important for Profitability?

A company’s profitability is influenced by a variety of elements, including experienced business managers, devoted and productive personnel, steady customer demand, and a close eye on the bottom line.

Apart from these well-known business practises, organisations that prioritise business ethics have been proven to be more successful than those who do not.

Even if it isn’t the first aspect addressed when analysing profitability, business ethics is an equally essential factor in a company’s performance.

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Business Research Topics For College Students

Business Research Topics For College Students

Students enrolled in business programs at colleges and universities must prepare papers on business study themes. Choosing subjects for papers is a huge difficulty for most students. The great majority of them are stuck at this stage because they are afraid of selecting a topic that is either uninteresting or excessively wide, resulting in low grades. Read more about Business Research Topics For College Students

Role of Computer Technology in Schools

Role of Computer Technology in Schools

Computer technology is becoming more crucial to education in the United States every day. Schools, now more than ever before, need to be incorporating computer technology into the curriculum. It is unfortunate that “even though the pace of technological innovation continues to accelerate in our society as a whole, in schools such innovation lags far off the pace”. Read more about Role of Computer Technology in Schools

Consumer Dissatisfaction in Vodafone

Consumer Dissatisfaction in Vodafone

The company has always maintained a good and reputable position amid its targeted customers and has always attempted to provide the best quality network services along with their selected products to its clients. As an outcome of that purpose, Vodafone has successfully sustained a great level of customer satisfaction with respect to its offered services and goods. Read more about Consumer Dissatisfaction in Vodafone

Essay on Leadership – The Key Element of Organizational Success

Essay on Leadership – The Key Element of Organizational Success

One of the key significant elements of organizational success is leadership; thereby, understanding these elements of how to become a successful leader and what mostly the leadership is about is essential. It has been found that as a general topic, leadership has been discussed widely; however, at the same time, it has been quite elusive and puzzling. Read more about Essay on Leadership – The Key Element of Organizational Success

Essay on Emergency and Humanitarian Action of WHO towards Ethiopia

Essay on Emergency and Humanitarian Action of WHO towards Ethiopia

Since the last four decades, Ethiopia is consistently experiencing severe drought and famine which has resulted in food insecurity for the nation. Many parts of Ethiopia have been experiencing a severe shortage of food and water for livestock and human. Various international organizations have come to the aid of this country and the aid has been in millions of dollars. An estimated $78 million were raised by W.H.O for the health issues in Ethiopia and more than thousands of lives alone in Addis Ababa were saved by this effort of W.H.O. The core efforts of WHO has been to provide technical support.

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Thesis on IBMLayoffs

Thesis on IBMLayoffs

IBM has dismissed up to 100k of its elderly staff in order to attract millennial workers, the lawsuit claims. Following this event, some of the former employees have brought legal action against the organization due to which IBM has faced a couple of lawsuits involving allegations that the firm is engaged in discriminative practices against the aged. Read more about Thesis on IBMLayoffs