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Book Review on To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Book Review on To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

To Kill a Mockingbird, a modern classic by Harper Lee is a coming-of-age narrative with a theme of social equality and prejudice. Racist Southern culture, which is firmly ingrained in violence and hate, is one of the topics. Many of us are aware that the message of this 1960 novel is still applicable in today’s society. Working with a socially significant issue and a lovely tale that incorporates a rural setting and young characters is the ideal combo. Read more about Book Review on To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Book Review: The Walker of Hermann Hesse

Book Review: The Walker of Hermann Hesse

The book The Walker of Hermann Hesse (Wanderung) is a group of stories about the “inspired wanderings” and whose geographical reference is the border between Germany and Switzerland and the alpine passage to Italy. It is a book that deals with being nomadic and is clearly against borders, of which Hesse says: “ there is nothing more hateful”. These prose describe the traveler’s feelings, their torments, and joys, their thinking, and perception of life, a vision that transcends the limitations of the concept of homeland and nationalities: Read more about Book Review: The Walker of Hermann Hesse

Review as a Genre

Review as a Genre

It must immediately be noted that the word “review” is not the title of the work, as many believe, but only an indication of its genre. Therefore, any of your reviews should be given a title that, in accordance with the requirements of this genre, would be somewhat advertising character. In a word, the title should contain some mystery, intrigue, “an invitation to read.” Read more about Review as a Genre



HIGH SCHOOL BOOK REVIEW – It would seem, write a review – what could be easier? This is even taught in school – children from the lower grades write reviews on the books they read. Case, by the way, is necessary and useful because thinking about the book helps to organize your own thoughts and make a brief summary, thanks to which the book will remain in your memory for a long time. If you are going to, then how do you write a review? Let’s consider some important points. Read more about HOW TO WRITE A HIGH SCHOOL BOOK REVIEW