Science and technology

Technology – the sequence of actions leading to the desired result, more or less realized by the subject of the action. Often, any sequence of actions involves the inclusion of both mental elements, techniques, procedures, and real things – materials, devices and tools to achieve the desired result. The scope of such material tools is usually defined as a material technique. In the modern literature, the concepts “technology” and “technology” are often identified. In fact, they come from the ancient Greek concept of “techno,” understood as any productive action that comes from a person and is based on his skill and skill.

This interpretation of the concept formed the basis of European culture as a whole. Nevertheless, if the difference between technology and technology is made, its meaning lies in the fact that the material means of activity are characterized as techniques, not as technologies.

In its essence and organization, technological knowledge differs significantly from the scientific-theoretical one, which Aristotle recorded, which divided theoretical knowledge based on the principle of answering the question “why?” And practical, based on the principle of answering the question “how?”


Theoretical knowledge reveals the reasons and seeks to discover the laws that underlie the occurring phenomena. Practical knowledge is not knowledge in the proper sense of the word because the question, “Why does something happen this way?”

A person with practical knowledge cannot answer. His knowledge is rather a skill used in practice; often also it exists so that it is impossible for a person to present his description in precise and detailed form.

Thus, technology, in a broad sense, is a skill based on special techniques and is always present in all spheres of human activity. However, the very type of existence of the technological phenomenon in different historical epochs is different.

In all cultures, there was no theoretical knowledge before the Ancient Greeks; the only form of knowledge was practical knowledge, and that is, technological in nature, the features of its existence determined the features of its translation.

Such a distance between science and technology existed before the New Time. Only in modern times is a single scientific and technical complex: technologies are beginning to be used in science, and there are research technologies closely associated with the overall development of technical knowledge; on the other hand, science begins to directly and intensively influence technology.

This model of interaction between science and technology makes it possible to significantly intensify their development, although it is not devoid of paradox.