Advantages of having an Android phone

Android Phone

In this world of advanced technology allegedly, no one does not own a cell phone or any other devices. People have become so much well aware of the type of product they should carry, that there is a continuous gush of demand evading the market. Apple has become the elite class symbol, but that trend has been changing as Android becomes better and recommendable. Companies are at a never ending war to be the ones to sit on the golden thrown of success and popularity. Not to forget that this war consists of many cell phone companies trying to outsource the other competitors.

Google’s Android operating system, even though it is new it’s progressing rapidly. The best part of the phones which support Android is that you can download music without opening your iTunes; downloading music is a piece of cake for this device. IOs is only limited to one phone company that’s Apple, whereas Android has a long team of mobile companies who are using it as their operating systems. Therefore, Android comes in different shape and sizes, not to forget brands.

If you are not happy with the standard view of Android you can always choose from the custom ROMs which are available. You do not need to stick with the same layout forever. Plus it is cheaper than any of the Apple Company’s products. Google Play store allows you to download games from any where and everywhere, you are not restricted to only few of the games available. Android is welcomes all kinds of developers far and wide, they have designed its software developer kit to work across as many platforms as possible.

Android devices have NFC which is a cashless payment system such as Google Wallet. By checking in to an NFC tag will allow you to automate tasks. For example, an NFC tag on your desk when triggered can show your diary for the day, or when you point it at your reception would allow customers to view a digital visitor’s pass. Android’s welcoming demeanor let’s developers and hardware manufactures make changes to the operating system’s core software. This is an advantage because it could be changed into whatever the consumer wishes.  Android was the first to support WiFi Direct, WebP images, multiple user accounts and screen mirroring support. The consumer demands are being met quickly, rather than waiting for 2 years for Apple to release its upgraded version.

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