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Book Review: From animals to Gods: brief history of humanity by Yuval Noah

Book Review: From animals to Gods: brief history of humanity by Yuval Noah

From animals to gods

From animals to gods is an essay on the history of humanity told with different interpretative keys by the historian Yuval Noa Harari. We are used to letting us tell the history of humanity through the traditional keys such as heroes, wars, social revolutions, etc. Read more about Book Review: From animals to Gods: brief history of humanity by Yuval Noah

Role of Knowledge and skills in Technology implementation in Schools

Role of Knowledge and skills in Technology implementation in Schools

Teachers who are to implement any innovation must have the knowledge and skills to use that innovation. Considering the current trend of technology in society, teachers of tomorrow will be expected to integrate traditional media and advanced computer technology into their instructional strategies. numerous educators think that preparing teachers to use technology effectively should be a significant goal of teacher education programs. To achieve this goal, teachers will need to have the knowledge and skills to use the available tools. Read more about Role of Knowledge and skills in Technology implementation in Schools

Role of Organizational culture in Education

Role of Organizational culture in Education

Organizational culture is defined as the values, norms, practices, symbols, and traditions that characterize a particular organization. When organizational culture is analyzed in the context of teacher use of educational technologies, then beliefs are referred to as the mental world views about the use of educational technologies for instruction or learning in schools. Read more about Role of Organizational culture in Education

Subsidies in Agriculture Sector

Subsidies in Agriculture Sector

In this fast growing world, an agricultural subsidy is known as a governmental subsidy specifically paid to farmers and agribusinesses in terms to supplement the income of the farmers, manage and succeed the supply of related commodities. Moreover, it influences the major cost and supply of commodities which are wide in range and include wheat, cotton, grains, sugar, and rice. Read more about Subsidies in Agriculture Sector

Science and technology

Science and technology

Technology – the sequence of actions leading to the desired result, more or less realized by the subject of the action. Often, any sequence of actions involves the inclusion of both mental elements, techniques, procedures, and real things – materials, devices and tools to achieve the desired result. The scope of such material tools is usually defined as a material technique. In the modern literature, the concepts “technology” and “technology” are often identified. In fact, they come from the ancient Greek concept of “techno,” understood as any productive action that comes from a person and is based on his skill and skill. Read more about Science and technology

Risk Management and Corporate Governance

Risk Management and Corporate Governance

Risk management is substantially a considerable factor and a term used to define the key procedures with its main object to help the organizations working widely to understand, further evaluate, and take action on their risks. Thus, this is vital that the actions are viewed in terms of augmenting the possibility of their achievement and dropping the likelihood of failure. Read more about Risk Management and Corporate Governance