Assignment on Western Civilization

In the Peasants’ War, Western Civilization course was taken by Martin Luther. In Germany, he was the leader of the Reformation. From 1517 to 1560, the Protestant Reformation lasted and has separate and different perspectives regarding philosophy, society and religion. The rituals of the Catholic Church were not agreed upon by Martin. Europe was then divided into new ones of Martin and the Catholic Church traditional ones. The reason for the Reformation was the relationship between the state and the church. Through the sale of indulgences, the poor people were duped out of money by the church which was not appreciated by Martin. A lot of power was possessed by the church due to its property. They emerged as the legal and moral authority of the day due to their property and power.

Changes within the society were approved by the church. A lot of domination by the Church was witnessed by the society at that time. Martin fought several battles with the hierarchy force break with the Church. Church practices were attacked by them. To break the grip of Church-based aristocracy, a religious, social and political climate for change emerged. Upper classes, i.e., local rulers opted for ways to free themselves from the church. The church then got split into two categories, i.e., upper anti-ties to Rome – well-paying positions/job and lower clergy pro-Luther.

Further, from 1642 till 1651, a series of political machinations and armed conflicts led by King Charles I took place between Royalists and Parliamentarians which is also known as the English Civil War. The Puritans advocated a separation of church from the state and advocated religious freedom. Limited religious liberty was one of the results of these wars. For failure to attend Anglican services, fines were imposed on Puritans around the country.

Against the arbitrary power of the Changes within the society were approved by the church. A lot of domination by the Church was witnessed by the society at that time. Martin fought several battles with monarchy, to preserve their traditional rights became the main focus of Puritanism. Hard times were faced by Europe during the 17th and 16th centuries. Ideas of individual liberty were left by the reformation that took place before this time. Absolutism or complete control was the only way to control the population at that time, as in order to maintain a level of security within the society, this absolute rule was essential. The cooperation of the nobility was secured by absolute kings. The manner in which they resolved their financial issues was the foundation of the key to the success and power of their absolute monarchs. Permanent standing armies were also maintained by them.