Journalism in the system of social institutions of society

Journalistic activity is carried out in certain socio-political conditions (state, economic, cultural, historical, religious, national, etc.), with a certain character and relationships of various social forces (classes, parties, trade unions, associations of entrepreneurs, creative associations and so on). At the same time, the life activity of society proceeds to a large extent as the functioning of a large number of various social institutions. There are many social institutions in society. They arise as a set of functional-normative bases of people’s vital activity in a particular sphere (family, property, upbringing, etc.), which then acquire legal framework and organizational forms. Thus, the institution of law, which arose as a collection of “ordinary”, generally accepted norms, was defined as a system of “written” laws, reducible to various codes (Roman law, the Russian Truth, the Napoleon Code, etc.) and provided by a system of law-making and law enforcement institutions – , prosecutor’s office, investigation, court, order protection, etc.

There are economic, political, cultural and educational and other social institutions and each of these institutions should act on the basis of clear regulations – the constitution, laws, codes, charters, regulations, regulations, rules, etc.

Journalism is one of the most important social institutions, without which the normal functioning of society is unthinkable, regardless of the bases on which it is created and operates. Under a totalitarian system, characterized primarily by the subordination of the individual to the state, the only mass political party with a rigid framework of mono ideology dominates, which is intensively indoctrinated into the masses by the monopolized party and state structures of the mass media. And each of these institutions should act on the basis of clear regulations – the constitution, laws, codes, charters, regulations, regulations, rules, etc.

Journalism is one of the most important social institutions, without which the normal functioning of society is unthinkable, regardless of the bases on which it is created and operates. Under a totalitarian system, characterized primarily by the subordination of the individual to the state, the only mass political party with a rigid framework of mono ideology dominates, which is intensively indoctrinated into the masses by the monopolized party and state structures of the mass media.