Assignment on Business Ethics and Employee Morale

Assignment on Business Ethics and Employee Morale

Workers who are content with their work environment are more productive than those who are unsatisfied, as research has repeatedly shown. Unethical workplace practises can cause widespread dissatisfaction among employees, leading to a greater sense of dissatisfaction with both their job and their supervisors.

Workers’ ability to focus on the job at hand improves dramatically when management promotes business ethics and firm executives lead by example. When there are fewer distractions and morale is high, productivity increases and firm profits increase.

Zorana Ivcevic of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and colleagues interviewed over 15,000 persons across the United States. Colleagues who worked under emotionally intelligent managers were happier, more creative, and saw more opportunities for promotion. These managers recognised and acknowledged their colleagues’ emotions, helped them channel their feelings, fostered enthusiasm, and efficiently controlled their own emotions.

Employee happiness may also have an impact on turnover and retention, because unsatisfied employees are more inclined to explore new opportunities, regardless of whether their current employer provides a better income or benefits.

Constant recruiting and training of new employees might limit a company’s capacity to spend money on revenue-generating operations, diminishing long-term profitability.

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